Have you hugged a vegetarian today?

An eye for an eye

An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Apparently, your horoscope also affects your job in the future. I'm a taurus, which offers several very much unwanted job opertunities. I can rake in the massive money as a nurse, or teach annoying childen things they're never going to use in the real world. Or I could drill holes in your teeth and cause general discomfort and a feeling of insecurity. The possibilies are endless... and pretty sucky.
     It claims that Taureans are naturals in creative fields. How the hell is being a nurse creative? :P Or a counsellor, or social worker... I don't like this quiz :P


Who doesn't love jelly beans, right? :D I know I do ;P (a friend of mine will get that more than the rest of you).
     In careers, it turns out that your favourite colour of jelly bean effects your career path and the way you do work. Holy crap. Random epiphany. I bought a bag of jelly beans just to figure out the ones I like most. I concluded my favourite bean was also my favourite colour: Purple! :D
    Purple is symbolic of royalty or regal behavior. Cool. It also says healthy, but I get sick really easy, so scratch that one :). Will marry early, or not at all. Hear that ladies? Get it while it's hot! ;D! Lol. This test also says that I'm good with church charity. I probably would donate, assuming I believed in relgion. One more point: I'm a good speaker. That one HAS to be true. I've been rambling on with these boring school posts for a couple weeks now. Apparently, I have alot to say.

By the way, this beautiful piece of man-candy is none other than myself. Enjoy :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Yo mamma!

Yesturday in Careers, we had a very interesting guest speaker... our teacher's mom! I know I know, sounds totally lame, right? She was surprisingly informative and cool. We did learn an interesting nickname of our teacher... which shall not be repeated for security purposes ;P
     She's been in retail business for several years. It was interesting to hear, actually. I just thought that retail ment being a boring old store clerk, but there are some more interesting things about it.Promo offers, getting to know people, busting shoplifters. Sounds pretty fun, don't you think?


 Well, yeah, that picture was just there as a test. Now that I know I can do that, I'm going to mix in some pretty pictures with older posts. Woo.
   Anyways, lately in Careers (yes, I know, ALL of my posts are on Careers. Suck it up.) we did a test that delt with A LOT of questions based on how we make decisions to decide what kind of person we are. It was accurate for the most part, but it said that I was calm and quiet. I KNO RITE?!?!
   ...yea, this test was called "The Kiersey Temperment Sorter. Search it up on the internet if you want. My result was INFP, meaning:
- I get my energy from within myself
- My source of information is intuiton
- I make decisions based on feeling
- I get things done with percervirance.
Totally cool, isn't it. There are a lot more things it tells you about yourself, but I'm too lazy to write them all.
*End of Post*

Friday, February 12, 2010

More on Dante's Inferno, and Careers class

In careers the other day, we had a guest speaker come in and tell us about what he does. He's a professor at the local university, and a historian. Pretty cool, actually. Said he got to look at some old doctor's notes about bubonic plauge and whatnot. I liked that, that's interesting.
    I've gotten a little further in my game, too. I'm at the 4th circle of hell, but it's tricky for me because it's all about timing, something I desperately LACK. It sucks. Also recently, I went to semi-formal with a good friend of mine. It was pretty fun, but decency is a word long dead. No one danced. What they did instead... well, I'd rather not say. So to those fun-lovers who actually danced out there (if you're reading this annonymous classmate, you know who you are ;P), cheers to you.
    To wrap things up, does anyone know how to upload pictures to this thing? Seriously...
*UPDATE* Haha, I figured it out. Go me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True Colours, and Dante's Inferno

Hey world. I have some updates for you. Thank me later, I have a post to write.
     So, first off, my pre-ordered game (Dante's Inferno) just came in. It's GORY!!!
     Anyways, in careers class, we had an interesting little quiz-type-thingy called "true colours". I thought the idea was kind of stupid at first, but it was actually pretty accurate. It said I'm energetic and enthusiastic. I KNO RITE?!?!?! ^w^ ...It also said that I could be good in jobs that involve my hands. I'm not going to argue with that at all, a pass time of mine is sculpting, and due to lack of tools, I need to use my hands alot. Ew, dirty fingernails. But at least they work. By the way, I'm orange, if you haven't guessed.

    Now that I got that out of the way, Dante's Inferno ;D I knew it's rated M for violence and nudity, but I didn't see so many naked people and so much gore coming. I fought the second boss yesturday, called King Minos (seriously guys, Charon doesn't count). Basically the way you finish him off is you grab is tounge, pull it back, tie it to a huge spiked wheel, and crank it as hard as you can. It drags him in and then starts to drill into his face, pulling out massive globs of blood and brain and skull... BLOODY!!!!! I'm glad I have a strong stomach. My sister probably had nightmares last night. It's fantastic!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Post numero uno!

Ok everyone, here goes! This is my first time posting on a blog so...be gentle ;p. So... I can't say I really know what to post... so I can talk about my life. Yeah I know it sounds boring but what else do I do here?
   Anyway, yesturday I pre-ordered my copy of Dante's Inferno for the Xbox360. It hits stores tomorrow so I'm incredibly excited! Have you ever heard of it? You can get the demo free of charge from the Xbox Live Marketplace. If you have a gamertag, I wouldn't mind going a few rounds with you. Mine will probably get posted later on.