Have you hugged a vegetarian today?

An eye for an eye

An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Posting; Error.

For some reason, I've been unable to publish posts from home lately. I think the virus that I THOUGHT was contained on my usb drive leaked on to my computer somehow. I sure hope not, but I wouldn't doubt it. Anyway, until I find the solution to this issue, I can only post from school. We have alot of lab periods in careers to spiff up our ISUs, so when I find the chance I can sneak on the computer :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Cruelty-Free is your morning routine?

Hey everyone! I took a quiz on Peta2 about how cruelty fre your morning is (meaning, how many products you use that don't test on animals). I managed to score an 8, which isn't half bad at all :) unfortunately, the moisturizer I use for my hands is tested on animals. So, I'm going to the drug mart later on tonight to look for a new brand on Peta's approved list. Why don't you take the quiz? you could learn alot :) Click the bunny banner below, print out the page (or just do it from the computer) and let me know your results :D


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Political Cartoon 5

This one has no real meaning behind it, aside from the obvious. Let's laugh at it anyway.

Peta2: Part of the gang.

Alright everyone, I've put some heavy thought into it, and yesturday I joined the Street Team on peta2.com. Basically, that's a pledge to try to stick up for our furrry, scaley, feathery, or slimy friends in any way I can. That's right! I'm officially an animal activist now, and I'm proud!

To learn more about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or to join the Street Team and start making a difference and earning some nice swag, head to http://www.peta2.com/. When you sign up, it'll ask you for the person who reffered you. It'd be real nice of y'all to fill my email in that spot. it's alex_etheral@live.ca, in case you forgot. C'mon guys, what'daya have to lose?

Political Cartoons 4

This cartoon I just thought was funny, but very very true. Cable tv has been getting more expensive lately to encourage people to swap to satalite or digital. Some people can't afford that, which sucks. Luckily for them, anything you can find on TV can also be found on the internet, which is what this editorial is trying to say. I like it, it's honest, silly, and funny.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pokemon Generation V: Who has time for this anymore?

Apparently, information about the next generation of DS Pokemon games has been released. I personally think the system should be renamed the Nintendo BS, cuz that's all it really is. Now that pokemon has WELL over 500 irritating little critters to trap in small spherical containers for long periods of time and unleash only for pointless battles and labourous tasks, who's really gonna bother catching all of them? I got about 300 in, then finally said "screw this". Don't get me wrong, Pokemon is great, but I think it's getting a little out of hand. If anyone is interested, the 2 new Pokemon that were leaked were Dark types, Zorua and Zoruark. Cool names, I guess. Generation V SHOULD be released late spring 2011, but this is unconfirmed so far. Happy hunting.

Political Cartoons 3

 I found this one pretty clever, not like it needs much of an explanation. When parlement reopened, they announced alot of sour news to the public, depicted by this half-dragon half-elephant. (Yea... Part jackass, part art critic. Go me.)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Political Cartoons 2

Ok everyone, the momment you've all been waiting for! (Slight overexageration ;3) The next political cartoon is poking a little bit of fun at Canadian history, events, social issues, and everyone's favourite waste of public primetime, the Olympics.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dante's Inferno; finally out of my hair.

I know I haven't mentioned the inferno for quite some time. Sorry about that. But, about 2 weeks ago I conquered the game, but I'm still coming up a little short. I found all the Beatrice Stones in the game, but I need at least half the Judas Coins hidden in the game, and I'm also having trouble reaching two Shades. But I kicked some major ass down there and reached full levels for both Holy and Unholy. Can you say moral conflict?
Anyway, my biggest issue now is racking up some souls, and waiting for the release of Trials of St.Lucia.

Speaking of waiting, anyone see the ad for Reach? Jetpacks in Halo? Seems a little out there, but I fear it might make the game too easy. Still, the amount you can customize your dude-man and the ass you can kick with the new weapons would probably balance that out. Beta drops on May 3rd, which happens to be my birthday. Thanks Bungie! Best present ever!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Peta2's "Canada's Shame"

Attention blog viewers! There is an important issue that I must bring to your attention. In Canada (right here, in our own backyard), there have been hunters catching, beating, and skinning seals. Canadian government allows this, no questions asked! This is unfair, barbaric, and cruel, and MUST be stopped! http://www.peta2.com/ allows ways to get involved, I strongly urge you all to do your part.

Canada's Shame: Learn More.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Peta2; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Hey everyone. Recently my attention has been brought to a very honourable program called Peta2, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It sheds light on facts about the things we ourselves and the companies around us do to animals without us even knowing, through active discussion, enjoyable-yet-informative games, videos, and so forth. I strongly urge you all to check it out. http://www.peta2.com/

Click here to find out which Skelanimal you are!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Political Cartoons, number 1.

Hey everyone... I have a very nifty idea. I'm going to share my deep passionate love for politics with ALL of you. Well not really. Because my school has a kinky blog fetish, I'm being forced to use this for a history project. So check it, n00bs!
This is a political cartoon of Micheal Ignatiff dropping "political bombs" on the middle east. I thought this was a clever way of showing everything Canadian politicians do wrong, so, here it is. This cartoon is saying that Ignatiff is plummeting the middle-east with OUR policies, trying to force them to obide by our rules, as most politicians do.
I chose this one mostly because I thought it was funny, but also because I like the point they're trying to get across. makes perfect sense to me.